Sleeping Kit Distribution project of Rotary Club of Dhaka started from 1984 with SCAW Canada. A smile of a child after receiving the Sleeping Kit pack in a cherubic face, something to cherish for rest of the life. The satisfaction of seeing the smile is certain to give an enthusiasm to do more for the down trodden people around us. This is a joint project with SCAW (Sleeping Children around the World). In 1983 Rtn. PP Salimullah met the SCAW team at Rotary Convention in Toronto, Canada. He invited SCAW to work with Dhaka Rotary Club in Bangladesh. Since then Rotary Club of Dhaka and SCAW has been distributing the kits in different parts of Bangladesh. In Bangladesh every year a team of Rotarians and SCAW volunteers from Canada travel selected camps across the country to give Sleeping Kits to the deserving children. In 2015 we have distributed 6000 Kits to 6000 children in greater Rangpur and Barisal Divisions. Its a huge voluntary workmanship of our Rotary club.