Rtn Sheikh Nahar Mahmud started as management trainee at BAT (British American Tobacco) and progressively promoted to do every position in sales, marketing, trade marketing and distribution and General Management. During his entire corporate career journey, he worked with some of the well-reputed global companies such as British American Tobacco, Sano and Novartis in various senior positions of multiple functions and geographies since 1985. He completed his full time corporate role in Novartis Bangladesh as the Country President and Managing Director of Novartis and Head of Sandoz Bangladesh Business. Prior to that he served as Director Business Operations of Sano Bangladesh and Head of Trade Marketing & Distribution British American Tobacco Cambodia and Laos based in Phnom Penh. Currently he is fully involved with innigent Consulting Ltd (a strategic consulting company) as Director and Chief Consultant- Sales and Marketing, Director FranklinCovey Bangladesh Operations and in Healthy Choice Food and Beverage Company Limited as Chief Executive Adviser. Rtn Sheikh Nahar Mahmud is a business graduate from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in Marketing and was placed First Class First position in both Honours & Master’s examinations. He further studied in The University of Chicago Booth School of Business (Certicate on Executive Leadership) and Asian Institute of Management (Building for Organic Growth).In addition to his educational qualications, he has also been exposed to numerous international congresses, conferences, & training programs held in countries within Asia Pacic, Europe and North America. Some of his important association are: Founder Vice President and Life Member of Dhaka University Marketing Alumni Association (MAA), Vice President and permanent advisor of Pharmaceutical Executive Club (PEC), Past EC member of Foreign Investors Chamber and Commerce and Industries (FICCI) Past Vice President of Switzerland-Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Life Member of Bangladesh Cancer Society, Permanent Member of Baridhara Cosmopolitan Club Ltd and Life Member of Dhaka University Alumni Association (DUAA). President Rtn Sheikh Nahar Mahmud’s areas of skill set and experiences include trade marketing & distribution, training, brand management, direct selling, new product development, business development, analytics & sales force excellence, peoples management at large scale, sales & marketing management, General management, business strategy, budgeting, forecasting, KOL management, new product planning and launches, market research, project management, P&L management, hands on experience on merger , acquisition and divestiture of business and also experienced in marketing of FMCG products. Rtn Sheikh Nahar Mahmud has got number of achievements and awards to his credit, including “ Dhaka University Vice Chancellor Award for Academic Excellence” Novartis Asia Pacic Quality award for contribution towards Sales and Marketing Excellence etc. Rtn Sheikh Nahar Mahmud is thickly engaged and involved in Rotary movement in Bangladesh since he joined Rotary Club of Dhaka in April 2017. Over last 6+years he played active role as Board Director, Project Committee Chair of Signicant Club projects. Club Vice President, President Nominee and President Elect. He attended all the important district events and training programs including RI Conventions and completed RLI Training Part I, II and III. President Nahar is also a regular contributor to The Rotary Foundation. Rtn, Sheikh Nahar Mahmud is a widely travelled person visited more than 30 countries across ve continents. President Mahmud is happily married to CFL Yasmin Akhter PHF and blessed by one son and one daughter and a grandson. His son Sheikh Shafeen Mahmud, a Software Development Engineer from University of Michigan Ann Arnbor working at GOOGLE, Seattle, USA and Daughter Faiza Azreen Mahmud, a bio-Medical Engineer from University of Toronto, working as Research Associate-II-Process Development at BlueRock Therapeutics (Bayer Pharma company), Toronto, Canada